Accession Communicator Mobile Update

In partnership with MetaSwitch, Utility Telecom is excited to announce a new and improved user interface (UI) of the Accession Communicator mobile app.

V2.28 of Accession Communicator will dramatically change the look and feel of the app. The app will feature a more sleek design and an improved user experience, leaving all existing functions of the app unchanged.

The app’s redesign focuses on single-screen access for a quicker and more user-friendly experience, eliminating the need to toggle between the menu bar and active screens. Accession Communicator users will be able to access contact lists more easily and will be able to navigate to secondary actions like the phone, instant messaging, and Accession Meeting from the main tab.

This update is available for users to download on the following operating systems (OS):

  • Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher
  • iOS 10 or higher

Updating to V2.28 will no longer support the old UI. For users on an older device or OS, their current version of Accession will continue to work but they won’t be offered the V2.28 upgrade.

For a general preview of V2.28, you can access our Quick Start Guide or watch a video tutorial on our Customer Care Page.


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