Announcing a New Data Center in 2019!

The Utility Telecom team is excited to announce the launch of a data center in 2019, based in Stockton, CA. This data center will be directly connected with One Wilshire Data Center in Los Angeles, making Utility Telecom’s data center one of the most well-connected data centers in California.

Utility Telecom has chosen to host the data center in Stockton with multiple benefits in mind. Businesses in the Bay Area will benefit from knowing the data center is close enough to commute to but far away enough to avoid traffic congestion. The location also allows for lower costs than other Northern California competitors.

For businesses that need to store their data in a low-risk area from natural disasters, Stockton is the safest location in Northern Califonia. With a lower risk of earthquakes, which are more common in the Bay Area, nearby businesses can benefit from knowing their data is secure in all areas with technical talent maintaining the equipment.

Benefits of a Well-Connected Data Center

Utility Telecom’s goal is to help businesses organize, process, store and circulate large amounts of data. With a “Neighborhood Cloud” environment, data is protected, backed-up, and available when in-house systems have issues.

With more businesses moving to a virtualized and cloud-computing environment, having a local team to manage your data can help businesses make a smooth transition. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Reduced IT Costs
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Local Network Access
  • Back-Up Recovery

A data center is essentially an extension to a business’ continuity plan that focuses on preventing potential data threats. For disaster recovery, having a duplicate set of data available that’s separate from a facility’s local copy can be crucial.

To learn more about the official launch date subscribe to our blog!


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